We couldn't put it off any longer!!!


It's a 'blog' - Visiting the Dominican Republic joined the latest web-wide revolution, and launched it's own 'weblog' on January 10th 2005.

Since February 1st can 'pick up' our live feed...drop it into your 'news-reader' and...'hey presto' alerted every time we add new info!...

Don't worry if that sound like 'gobbledegook' we'll explain it all if you read on. For those who know what it's all about - here's the 'feed' and a link to get a 'free reader' (no strings) if you haven't got one:

Please 'left click' the xml icon now and 'copy shortcut' to your 'news reader' to get our 'blog' feed and keep in touch with DR news and developments on this site - as they happen:

What's that?! It is a.....well, you can get a good insight about this new Internet feature in our RSS page!!

If you already know all about RSS and Blogs but still need a FREE 'RSS & Atom.xml feed' Reader, Then download one now here:


Or for 'Yahoo' fans you can pick up our weblog feed here and

And if you haven't see our 'web log' already...then check it out here - just click:

'Mañana Syndrome' - our own BLOG!

Daily updates, thoughts, and news will be posted on our blog (web address - and we hope that you'll not only take a quick look whenever you get the chance, but also 'mail' our updates to any of your friends who may be thinking of 'visiting the Dominican Republic' for a vacation, on business, or to buy their dream villa!!

We won't wait till 'mañana' to pass on the news you need to know Today! Therefore stay in downloading the 'news reader' if you don't have on; then 'right click' on our orange 'xml' icon, here or on another page (or on the 'blog' itself) and then click on 'copy shotrtcut' and 'add' us to your news feeds!

We understand that - if this 'news feed' revolution is as new to you as it is to us - you may need a bit more detailed explanantion about all this. So, we'll publish a 'help' page very soon. Meanwhile if you have any problems with:

  • 'Downloading'the FREE reader

  • Adding our atom.xml 'blog site' feed

  • Or anything else...

    Then please: Contact us!

    And soon you'll be catch up with any 'breaking' news from the Dominican read about developments and additions to the content of SOON AS IT HAPPENS!

    More then 7 million Americans are already regular 'web log' publishers! And approaching 35 million check on their favorite web 'diaries' nearly every day!They can't all be wrong! Can they? :-)

    So, obviously, we thought, "why put off 'til tomorrow what can be blogged today?" And what do you know...'Manana Syndrome' was born.

    Please, keep an eye on 'Mañana Syndrome' and do send back any thoughts you have, contributions you'd like to make, or requests. (Hmm, maybe that's asking for trouble?!)!

    Who knows, maybe you'll be so taken with 'web logs', you'll start one of your own - if you haven't already. In fact here's the company we use, which has a really user friendly 'blog interface': why not start one today AND please be sure to include a link to ''...let us know if you do and we'll add you to our 'hall-of-fame' linking back to your blog too!

    So..don't Put it off till tomorrow - make sure someone you know gets 'The 'Mañana' Syndrome' TODAY!

    Ruth & Esther

    The Best way for YOU to build a Web Site for Fun and Profit!
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